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curate Healthcare Services

What We Do For You

At Curate Healthcare Services, we believe that effective, efficient, compassionate care begins with our mission.


Post-Acute Care

Post-Acute Care comes after an acute care hospitalization, and includes skilled nursing care and comprehensive rehabilitation.  It's often when a patient is at their most vulnerable.  It can be when they can make the most progress.  It's also a time when a team approach is needed, and that's where our expertise and leadership comes in.



Long-Term Care


Many patients need the long term support of a facility and a healthcare team. Whether due to age-related, injury-related or cognitive issues, patients need to know that where they live is a compassionate, caring, safe place, and their families need to know that their health needs will be met.  Respect is an essential component of this relationship: we know, understand and appreciate the trust that our patients place in our care.  They've earned our respect, now we have to earn theirs.


Residential Care

Using our long years of experience, coupled with new and evolving models of care, we approach patients in residential care settings with the respect they deserve.  They can be cared for in the comfort of their own assisted or independent living setting or memory care unit, with a minimum of disruption, and with attention paid to what they want out of life.  This approach involves using evidence-based Medicine as well as a team-based, outcomes-focused plan, involving family, caregivers and specialists when needed. We can use Telemedicine and remote management to supplement the care these patients receive, helping them to live, thrive and age in place when possible.

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